Arkansas Childcare
State Requirements

101 Related Laws and Requirements
1. “The Child Care Facility Licensing Act”, Act 20-78-210-220, as amended, is the legal authority under which the Division of Child Care and Early Childhood Education prescribes minimum standards for a variety of child care facilities under the Act.
2. The Division of Child Care and Early Childhood Education (referred to hereafter as the Division) under the Department of Human Services is directly responsible for the inspection and evaluation of all licensed homes as defined in Section 102 of the Minimum Licensing Requirements for Child Care Family Homes.
3. The Division has the power to establish rules, regulations, and standards for licensing and operation of child care facilities. This includes all powers with respect to granting, revocation, denial and suspension of licenses. Decisions regarding special situations shall be made on an individual basis by the Division. Information regarding an appeal process is available upon request.
4. The Division works in coordination with local and state Health Departments, Fire Departments, City Planning or Zoning departments and the Boiler Division of the
Department of Labor. Persons considering opening or expanding a family home shall immediately contact these individual departments for inspections and information on their separate regulations.
It is recommended that a prospective Licensee should request clarification regarding the codes or covenants enforced by these departments as some may prevent the operation of a child care family home at a particular location, may limit the number of children in care or may impose additional safety requirements.
5. It is recommended that the owner should be aware of applicable city or county zoning ordinances or codes or neighborhood covenants which may limit the number of children in care or impose additional safety requirements. The Division will share information on the location and status of licensed homes or applications for a license with any city or county that requests this information.
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