California Childcare
State Requirements

(a) If the Department has reason to believe that family child care is being provided without a license, the licensing agency shall:
(1) Conduct a site visit to:
(A) Determine whether the home is operating without a license.
(B) Determine whether continued operation of the facility will be dangerous to the health and safety of the children in care.
(2) Notify the unlicensed provider in writing of the requirements for such licensure.
(3) Issue a Notice of Operation in Violation of Law if it is found and documented that continued operation of the family child care home will be dangerous to the health and safety of the children.
 Situations endangering the health and safety of the children shall include, but not be limited to:
(A) Evidence of physical or mental abuse.
(B) Children left unattended or left with a minor.
(C) Clear evidence of unsanitary conditions.
(D) Fire safety/fire hazards.
(E) Unfenced or accessible pools or other bodies of water.
(F) Hazardous physical plant.
(4) Issue a Notice of Operation in Violation of Law if the unlicensed provider does not apply for a license within 15 working days from the date of notification
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