Colorado Childcare
State Requirements

FIRST AID TRAINING for infants, children and adults must cover ALL of the topics listed below with recommended instruction time of 2-½ to 3 hours. Applicants must provide the training curriculum for each of these subjects in addition to the information requested on Form B:
Accident Mgmt/Prevention Drowning Poisoning
Allergic Reactions Ear/Eye/Mouth/Nose Injuries Respiratory Problems
Blood Falls Seizures
Burns Fractures Shock
Choking Head Trauma Stings and Bites
Diabetic Emergencies Neck/Spine Injuries Temperature Extremes

CPR TRAINING for infants, children and adults must meet the following guidelines:

• Training must be conducted in accordance with the most recent Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC) Guidelines that are updated every 5 years, most recently in 2005.
• Recommended instruction time is 3-4 hours depending on individual needs of the student(s).
• Training must include skills demonstration with life-size/age-appropriate mannequins using a recommended ratio of 1:3 (or less).
• Instructors must be trained to teach the most recent international ECC guidelines in CPR and First Aid and must provide a copy of the certification to the CDHS Division of Child Care. The instructor must submit a copy of the certification for each course they will teach. The certification(s) must include the number of years the certification is valid (issue date and expiration date). The instructor must teach only courses approved by the CDHS Division of Child Care to students requiring CDHS certifications.

UNIVERSAL PRECAUTIONS TRAINING that meets the required minimum of one hour and thirty minutes (1½ hours) of instruction may be included with your first aid/CPR training provided these hours are in addition to the recommended times noted above for first aid training and/or CPR training.
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