Florida Childcare
State Requirements

 General Requirements 65C-22.001 (Class Violateion Value)
 1. License Displayed/Citation Posted 402.3125
 3 The facility's license was not posted in a conspicuous place within the facility.
 3 Citation(s) for a licensing standard violation was not posted with the license.
 3 The citation did not remain posted for the full year after its effective date.

 2. Licensed Capacity 402.305(4) & 65C-22.001(2)
 2 The facility is licensed to serve [ ] children. A total of ? children were counted at the center and/or were on a field trip.

 3. Minimum Age Requirements 65C-22.001(3) & 402.305(2)(c)
 3 The staff person in charge in the operator's absence did not meet the minimum age requirement.
 3 In the operator's absence, no one was designated to be in charge.
 2 A person under the age of 16 years was employed at the facility and not directly supervised.
 3 A person under the age of 16 years was included in the calculation of the personnel-to-child ratio.

 4. Ratio Sufficient 65C-22.001(4)(a)(b) & 402.305(4)
 2 A ratio of [ ] staff for [ ] children is required. There were ? staff for ? children observed.

 5. Supervision 65C-22.001(5)(a)-(d), 65C-22.001(6)(f), & 65C-22.007 (2)
 2 Direct supervision of children in the ? group was inadequate in that ?.
 2 Staff were not within sight and hearing of all the children during nap time.
 2 There were insufficient personnel readily accessible to meet ratio requirements during nap time.
 2 Children in the outdoor play area were not adequately supervised in that ?.
 1 A child was unknowingly left behind on a field trip.
 1 A child was not adequately supervised and left the facility premises without the knowledge or awareness of staff.
 2 In addition to the staff required to meet staff-to-child ratios, an additional adult was not present during a field trip. 
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