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daycare 02:41 PM 04-12-2012
ok this is me..

Firsrt, I go about every hour to hour half.

We have a potty schedule, everyone goes at potty time. Those training will be told to go at the times i have set. I used a rotating clothespin system with the kids name on it. I laminated a potty time chart so taht I can start over each day. I clip the clothes pins to the sheet. The name on the top is sent into go. I write down the time, their clip goes to the bottom of the list. Then repeat.

I also never use food as a reward. I find that kids will learn to expect it all of the time and are your really going to keep giving candy after they have it down? NO. I use a lot of verbal praise. What a fantastic job you did. Have all of the kids.

I also will not participate in PT a child if it's not being done at home.

Lastly, if the child's body is not ready and mature enough to PT, then you are beating a dead horse. They will go ONLY when they are ready to do so.