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momofboys 06:33 PM 06-07-2010
Late Friday afternoon (my last day of care for my one family) my eye started to feel irritated & was slightly red. Over the weekend it continued to get worse. I quit wearing my contacts. I went to the dr today & they thought it was pinkeye. I started on prescription drops & am hoping it clears up soon. I am supposed to begin caring for my new family on Wednesday. My question is will I still be contagious then? I am still wondering how I got it. I do not use any eye makeup. I do wear contacts but am good about keeping them clean (they are disposables so they get thrown away every month). None of my kids have it. I just wonder if my other family had it or came down with it too this weekend. The daycare toddler I watch had a moderate fever on Friday, his last day here & was fussy as ever. Any advice? Should I call my new family & tell them to stay away?! I would hate doing that to them, this is to be their first week of care but will if I need to.
fctjc1979 06:43 PM 06-07-2010
I went in for what I thought was pink eye, and the doctor initially thought it was pink eye, and it turned out that I had an abrasion on my cornea. It's pretty common for contact wearers. The eye just gets so irritated that the white part starts turning pink which is why people initially confuse it for pink eye. In any case, you should be able to talk to your doctor's office or the pharmacy where you picked up your perscription to find out when you will no longer be contagious.
momofboys 06:48 PM 06-07-2010
Originally Posted by fctjc1979:
I went in for what I thought was pink eye, and the doctor initially thought it was pink eye, and it turned out that I had an abrasion on my cornea. It's pretty common for contact wearers. The eye just gets so irritated that the white part starts turning pink which is why people initially confuse it for pink eye. In any case, you should be able to talk to your doctor's office or the pharmacy where you picked up your perscription to find out when you will no longer be contagious.
You know that is possible (that it could be an abrasion). I did not got to an eye dr. . . they were closed by the time I decided to go so I just went to a local Urgent Care, not an eye dr. They did suggest I see my eye dr to check things out & make sure it was nothing more severe. Calling the eye dr tomorrow, hope they can fit me in!
QualiTcare 09:20 PM 06-07-2010
i think it depends on if it's bacterial or viral. since you didn't mention feeling bad, i assume it's bacterial - and that's usually not contagious after you take meds - maybe a day. i didn't know there were 2 different kinds until i thought i had pink eye once and ended up going to the ER because i felt too bad to wanna take care of my baby. mine ended up being viral - i got antibiotics and pain medicine believe it or not. they say something like a week or so if it's viral i think, but you know how that goes. i was fine after a day. just ask the doctor what he thinks.
JJPlaycare 04:45 AM 06-08-2010
I would check with the eye doctor just to make sure, but I would also notify the new family to inform them what is going on and let them make the choice! : )
momofboys 05:54 AM 06-08-2010
I have an appt today with my eye doctor. Hopefully this will resolve the situation or determine if it really is pinkeye or an abrasion. Will keep you posted. Thanks for all the comments! I have not been ill so I am guessing if it is pinkeye it is the bacterial kind.
My Daycare 07:00 AM 06-08-2010
My son just happened to develop pink eye over the weekend also. The doc said its not contagious once he starts on the drops. I have had pink eye many times and have heard the same thing. However, I'm sure you would feel horrible if one of the new families children developed it. My guess is that by Wednesday it should seem to be cleared up.
Childminder 07:40 AM 06-08-2010
Health dept here say that child can co back to school/daycare 24 hours after meds are administered.
Anna 08:57 AM 06-08-2010
I had a similar situation about a month ago. I have contacts also but I sleep with my eyes slightly open so they dry out real bad. I woke up one morning and my right eye was slightly red by the next morning it was super red.. redder than i have ever seen it. It wasn't "goopy" though so I just called my families and let them know what was going on and let them decide if they wanted to bring their children. It ended up going away a few days later.
originalkat 09:45 AM 06-08-2010
Last year, after our garage sale weekend, I got an eye infection/irritation. It was horribly red and watered constantly. When I went in he said it was not pink eye but was just severely irritated by something. (Possibly from handling lots of money from the garage sale and then touching my eye.) It was not contagious but I looked horrible.

However, several weeks ago we had a pink eye "outbreak" here. Three of the 6 kids got it. It started out with a little goop in the corner of the eye and slight redness. By the next morning the eye was crusted shut. Within 24 hours it looked MUCH better (my daughter was one who got it) and drops continued for 7 days. However, the Doc said it was not contagious after 24 hours on the drops.

If your eye still looks bad, but isnt contagious...I would just let the family know when they got there or give them a call to confirm the start date and casually/lightheartedly mention the red eye.
momofboys 09:39 AM 06-09-2010
Originally Posted by originalkat:
Last year, after our garage sale weekend, I got an eye infection/irritation. It was horribly red and watered constantly. When I went in he said it was not pink eye but was just severely irritated by something. (Possibly from handling lots of money from the garage sale and then touching my eye.) It was not contagious but I looked horrible.

However, several weeks ago we had a pink eye "outbreak" here. Three of the 6 kids got it. It started out with a little goop in the corner of the eye and slight redness. By the next morning the eye was crusted shut. Within 24 hours it looked MUCH better (my daughter was one who got it) and drops continued for 7 days. However, the Doc said it was not contagious after 24 hours on the drops.

If your eye still looks bad, but isnt contagious...I would just let the family know when they got there or give them a call to confirm the start date and casually/lightheartedly mention the red eye.
I saw the eye dr & he thinks it is just an irritation from something & not pinkeye. It does look 90% better than it did. I am still wearing my glasses though which I don't like. He reommended letting my eye completely heal before I wear contacts. At least it was not pinkeye but I do wonder what caused the problem.
Tags:pink eye
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